Years working for Rookie Academy?
- 15 years
How many seasons have you taught skiing?
- 30 years.
Where have you taught skiing/riding?
- Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, France, Austria, Korea, Bulgaria.
What are your Top 5 favourite places to ski?
1. Mont Sainte Anne, Quebec, Canada.
2. Treble Cone, New Zealand.
3. Whistler, BC.
4. Silver Star, BC.
5. Zermatt, Switzerland.
Qualifications & professional achievements
1. Director, Mont Sainte Anne Wintersports School
2. Director, Rookie Academy program, Mont Sainte Anne, Quebec, Canada.
3. CSIA Level 4 Examiner.
4. 3 times CSIA Interski team member.
5. French National ski Instructor.
6. 1st place, New Zealand Technical Ski Championships in 2016 in Treble Cone.
7. 1st place, New Zealand Technical Ski Championship in 2017 in Coronet Peak.
Why I love Treble Cone
- Challenging terrain
Why I love working for the Rookie Academy
- Exchange ideas, push our level, improve.
What’s one piece of advice to anyone trying to improve their skiing?
- Stay positive, have fun, focus.
What keeps you motivated to keep pushing your skiing?
- Learning, pushing my level, exchanging ideas is what makes me happy!
What’s one of your memorable skiing experiences?
- Rookie Academy trainers training. I love skiing with my friends!
What type of gear do you ski on and why?
1. Rossignol FIS SL 165 cm. I love the grip, precision and propulsion of this ski.
2. Rossignol FIS GS 182 cm, 25 m radius: I love the stability and rebound of the GS ski!